Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mitch Griffiths: "The Promised Land"

Mitch Griffiths has a new exhibit entitled "The Promised Land" at Halcyon Gallery in London. His work deals with the force of consumerism in today's society and, in broader sense, the construction of identity in a globalized world: including imperialistic ideology and the idea that anything is possible.
Read a great interview with Griffiths on Dazed digital

Excerpt from the Dazed interview: 
Mitch Griffiths: "Mass media tells us we can achieve anything we want. There is a flaw in this concept: if anyone can make it then the ones that do are less respected and more resented. The thinking isn't "I can" but "Why not me?" our belief isn't in our abilities but in the right to be given what we want." 

The image is by Griffiths from Dazed digital. The video is from Halcyon Gallery website.

Mitch Griffiths, The Promised Land. from Halcyon Gallery on Vimeo.

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