Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Tokyo Vice" by Jake Adelstein

When I first heard of this book, I thought it would be a low key affair. But Jake Adelstein is truly promoting his newest book, "Tokyo Vice," even appearing on 60 minutes about a week ago ( I watched by chance, happy to hear they were doing a Japanese story, and was surprised to see him on TV). The 60 minutes piece was not actually on his book, but about a Top Level Yakuza (Japanese Mob) who received a liver transplant here in the USA. It seems that now Adelstein must watch his step after bringing forth such a revelation: His life may be in danger. It is no surprise that Adelstein would make some enemies while putting in time as a Crime Beat reporter for a Tokyo newspaper. But it is hard to tell just how much danger he may be in, particularly when he is appearing on TV, print, and even NPR (this coming week) to talk about his book. Regardless, I am a Tokyo fan and will definitely give the book a read in order to understand the city's underground a bit better.

What is a bit "messed-up" is that, on a Japanese internet site who gave Jake's book a thread, someone who is not too nice actually posted his parents address and suggested that affiliates of the Yakuza pay them a visit. Perhaps Adelstein is at more of a risk than I thought...

Linked is a interview given by Adelstein for Random House who is the "Tokyo Vice" publisher. HERE

Tokyo Subculture: site edited by Adelstein about Japan Underground


jake.adelstein said...

Thanks for mentioning the book and the site. I've decided to take another approach in dealing with the remnants of Goto-gumi and the Matsuba-kai--I'm blatantly in their face.
It's not a stupid strategy. I got tired of skulking around in the shadows. The calculation I'm making is that 1) lots of other yakuza hated Goto and his time is over 2) No one wants to make me a martyr and have the US pressuring Japan to really put a RICO act on the books 3) Goto is serious about his Buddhist vows and will leave me alone. I met his priest (sensei) who swore that Goto had given up violence We'll see.

The Rogue Prince said...

Jake, Can't wait to read the book. I think that you may be on to something with your "in their face" strategy. Your calculations make sense. Best of luck with the book.